Maandelijks archief: april 2012

Windows 7 Disappearing Icons

Desktop Icons disappear randomly, and NO, it is not the checkbox ‘Show desktop icons’…

The problem and (possible) solution is explained at the Microsoft TechNet forums.

It seems that a service cleaning up broken desktop shortcuts. Maybe the service can not determine very well if the link is broken or not. All involved shortcuts are linked to folder on a network drive.

We will wait for a couple of day to see if this really was the problem.

Server: Small Business 2003 Dutch
Client: Windows 7 64b Dutch
Roaming profiles enabled, with only My Documents redirected.

Update 1: My Customized Solution:

Take a look at this site for manual command:

Then you will see that making an Windows 7 startup script is not very hard to do. This may be helpfull if you have to update multiple computers in a Windows Domain environment.

Go to your NETLOGON share and make a new script file:


# NETLOGON Script: TS_BrokenShortcuts_Customized
# Take Ownership of the file
takeown /f "C:\Windows\diagnostics\scheduled\Maintenance\TS_BrokenShortcust.ps1" /A
# Assign Administrator full access rights
icacls "C:\Windows\diagnostics\scheduled\Maintenance\TS_BrokenShortcuts.ps1" /grant "Administrators:F"
# Now you can replace the file
xcopy "\\server\netlogon\TS_BrokenShortcuts_NEW.ps1" "C:\Windows\diagnostics\scheduled\Maintenance\TS_BrokenShortcuts.ps1" /y

Place also the new ps1 file in you netlogon share. And do not forget to call the new scripts. One possibility to do is by using Group Policy’s: Computer Startup Scripts.

W109 Heizung Ventile

One valve (ventil) was stuck at a position and for that the control cable broke. Since the unit was disassembled, this problem can be fixed to.

New seals need to be ordered, i am going to visit a hardware store first, before ordering this at a MB dealer.

Update 1: New standard o-rings fit fine, just €2,-

Below are images which show you the construction of the valve assembly.